East Street
East Street runs from Union Street and then heads east where it splits in to two. It continues east until it meets Mill Street, whilst part turns in to Charlotte Street.

8a-8b East Street
Built as a house and a shop around 1840.

12-13 East Street
Identical houses, built in 1830.

15 East Street
Built around the same time as number 14, with a late 19th century shop front.

Haywards Old School and Drama Centre
A school, built in the Gothic style, with teachers houses that was built in 1859. Alterations were made a few times during the rest of the century.

Haywards Old School and Drama Centre
A school, built in the Gothic style, with teachers houses that was built in 1859. Alterations were made a few times during the rest of the century.

The Limes
One house divided in to two, built around 1700, incorporating a medieval building that occupied the site.

9, 10-10a East Street
Built around 1830, possibly to remodel a previous building, there is likely to have been a stable block at the rear of the property.

14 East Street
A Georgian town house, built around 1830, at the same time that as number 15.

31 East Street
A circa 1700 building, the shop front was added in the late 1800's or early 1900's.

St Clares and Attached Cob Walls to Rear Garden
Built in the late 1700's, the wall at the rear of the property is also listed.

St Clares and Attached Cob Walls to Rear Garden
Built in the late 1700's, the wall at the rear of the property is also listed.

Vine Cottage
Built in the early 1700's, it has been reported that medieval pottery has been found in the garden.